Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Welcome! to My World

Thanks for dropping by.

As it says in the title, I am a business owner and have been so for many years. In particular, I have been working online for nearly 5 years in several ventures. I prefer online work because of its variety and convenience.

As the title also suggests, I am disabled as well. I suffer from a hereditary eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa - RP for short. It is a curious disease that, for some, will only diminish their sight over their lifetime, while for others, it can remain dormant for a time and then suddenly "activate" totally snatching most, if not all, of their sight very quickly. I don't profess to be an expert on the disease but can only offer my perspective of it through my own experience. (If you would like more information about RP, you can check out my other blog, "My RP Survival Guide". The link is on this page.

Why Write Another Blog?

My hope is to help others, especially those with disabilities, avoid the same business pitfalls that I have encountered over the years. I mean, for most people who are disabled are able to qualify for some sort of government assistance. At present, I do, and I am thankful for it, but I also won't fool myself to believe it will last forever nor be enough for my future needs. I have observed the economic trends enough to know that the best way for anyone (disabled or not) to secure their future is to create a secondary source of income through a business of their own.

Okay, So What's The Catch?

As a good friend of mine usually says, "You're sitting on the catch". Over the years, I have found that the best way to start securing my future is to get up and get moving! And thanks to the personal computer, most people can do just that without leaving to leave their own homes.


I've always been on the lookout for better ways to make more money. I was raised with the "don't put all your eggs in one basket" philosophy and I've found through personal experience what a good idea that is. However, with the large variety of choices out in cyberspace, it can be hard to tell the good ideas from the bad. this makes it very easy for the unsuspecting person (especially one living on a fixed income) to venture out because of the risk of losing what little they have.

Now, despite what the media says, I believe there is more good in the world then bad, but just like crossing a busy street, we must learn to be cautious and discerning in the steps we take. For example, there have been times in my life when I have walked into stores with white cane in hand to purchase something, and had to "correct" the counter person on the amount of my change. I choose to give everyone the benefit of the doubt (until they prove me otherwise) and so I elect to believe that the person miscounted my change instead of believing that they decided to purposely deceive me. However, the point is still this, even if the clerk's behavior was an honest mistake, if it wasn't for the limited sight I have left I would have still be shorted my money, however with RP, there is no saying how long my vision will last. These days as a way to be more comfortable with my transactions, I have all checks earmarked direct deposit and I do 90% or more of my major shopping online.

So Why Doesn't Someone Do Something?

And that comes to why I decided to write this blog. I believe that the United States is a wonderful place to live, but even in a wonderful country like this there are still many things that can be improved -- especially for the handicapped. However, unlike most people, I don't believe it is solely the government's job to fix everything. In particular when it comes to my personal survival.

So How Can I Help?

I believe I have found a few ideas that have helped me to make income today as well as secure my future for tomorrow - with one very important catch! All my suggestions call for ACTION! Nothing fancy or elaborate, just plain honest work.

Is the work hard?

I don't believe so but that will be a personal choice. I figure if you believe the work to be hard you will either not come back or not try the ideas suggested, and that's okay. Everyone has a different time table and everyone has different challenges in their lives to deal with before starting something new. Been there, done that. Just know that I plan to be here for a while so bookmark this blog as a favorite and come back when timing's a bit better.

For everyone else, I have put together a few ideas that I will be posting in later blogs that almost anyone can try. I can't give any guarantees (because I can't determine how serious you will be about working at the ideas) but I can guarantee that I believe in what I am doing and that I will always strive to share the best information I have at the time. And while I can't guarantee your success, I want you to know that every idea I have posted here is one that I have already looked over and is personally involved with. I will always strive to lead by example and since I am not trying to lose any of my money on a venture I certainly will not be trying to lead you on one. However, if I do find after posting a link ere that the venture turns out to be not what I was led to believe, I will remove it and post the reason why.

As I stated, I will accomplish all of this through my own posts as well as through interesting and useful links I find. I will suggest successful ideas I have used and give you advice on the best ways to build a solid business foundation to build your future on. As we continue to grow together, I hope you will let me know how you are doing so that we can learn from each other and become even stronger.

I do ask one favor if you will.

If you ever come across a link listed here that you have a problem with, whether content-wise or broken, please contact me so that I can look into it. Although I will do my best to keep this blog current, anyone whose ever worked on computers for any length of time realize that links can change without notice. If you don't wish to leave the issue as a comment on the blog, feel free to email me.

Although the main focus of this blog is those people with disabilities, I know the ideas here will work for anyone willing to work the ideas.

Again, thanks for dropping by. I look forward to working with you in the near future.

A Blind Leader

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